Food, Culture and Globalisation

Globalisation has been changing the food we eat and so theways we eat those foods. Globalisation means food cultures are on the move; they’re being displaced from their roots and are often forming new hybrid cultures after they interact with other food traditions. In contrast, some foods have struggled to globalise and remain firmly rooted in local cultures.

Immigrants bring their traditional food cultures with them so those those who might have never left their own country get to hunt out slightly of adventure while browsing the “international cuisine” section of their local restaurants. Food cultures have spread such plenty to the aim where you will be able to now find Mexican restaurants in Northern Thailand, Japanese sushi within the region, and an American cheeseburger served up at a street food cart in an exceedingly small, remote Amazonian city. As our world becomes more and more connected, food culture is not any longer tied all the way all the way down to where it originated from and may be spread far and wide. While it does seem incredible that you just just can eat traditional Indian curry while sitting within the center of the uk, it’svital that we don’t forget that the international foods we eat, regardless of how far they have travelled or what quantity they havebecome a norm in our communities, have their own history. 

International cuisines brought in by foreign corporations are marketed as new, interesting, and different while at the identical time traditional cuisines are marketed as old, tired, and sometimes times less healthy or just just too time-consuming to rearrange. Despite the actual factthat sushi and Japanese food has condemned as a much-loved global cuisine, recent studies in Japan have found that severalschool children there are more easily able to identify hamburgers and pizza versus traditional Japanese dishes. In Bolivia, as corporations take over all the quinoa crops to import to health-conscious consumers within the u. s. or Europe, Western products are now being marketed to local Bolivians as healthier, tastier, and more importantly, as luxury goods. Globalisation has unfolded the vast diversity of food cultures around the world. Many international cuisines can no longer even be called foreign within the main cities of the world, with endless options from Peruvian food trucks in long island City to Michelin-starred French restaurants in metropolis. 

This shift, from local to global food, is impacting not only what we eat but how to define and understand our own food cultures. There may come a degree where food cultures have blended and overlapped such plenty that finding their roots, is impossible. Before that happens, allow us to understand and remember the those thatgave us these delicious cuisines, the cultures whose chefs have, over generations, perfected the flavours and techniques of their recipes, and also the communities who have openly shared their unique food with the world. 
At Provide a Meal, we try our best to connect with as many different cultures as we can so we can provide a wide range of restaurants for someone to enjoy! Simply download our app today through the Google Play Store or the App Store and start donating today!

Our Crowdfunder Campaign Success

PAM successfully raised £4,300 within 28days to feed people during the Coronavirus Pandemic crisis. This notable milestone would not have been possible without the contribution of over 50 supporters who share the same vision with PAM to help provide food to the vulnerable. This campaign kicked off on our social media platforms with active participation from our followers who helped to spread the word to reach potential donors and people in need.

With the outbreak of Covid-19, some of our beneficiaries were unable to access nutritious food through our partner restaurants. As a result, our volunteers at PAM have been working tirelessly to ensure that people are catered for. We have been doing this by dropping off emergency food boxes to support our most vulnerable people and their families within Portsmouth.

Our goal with the crowdfunding campagn was to raise £4,000 by the 4th June 2020. However, the generous support we received helped us to meet and exceed the goal. We were pleased to raise a total of £4,300 by the end of the campaign. The amount raised will help to fill more emergency boxes to be sent out to those in need.

Part of this fund will also help to complete the development of the PAM’s mobile application which can be used to further feed families, individuals and their loved ones. The support we have received will ensure that our volunteers continue to put a smile on people’s faces during and after the lockdown.

PAM sends out a big thank you to to everyone for taking the necessary steps to ensure that we continue to keep people’s spirit high within Portsmouth. Here are some comments from PAM’s donors and supporters –

Rommel: Worthy charity helping and supporting to feed vulnerable people

Oyekunle: This is a fantastic idea, especially during this testing time. Well done to the team

Michael: I strongly believe in supporting the less privileged and the hungry and hence why I’m supporting PAM

Ajibola: Support the initiative to help others and put a smile on someone’s face.

Our Response to COVID -19

Our Response to COVID -19

Over the past few weeks, all of us have seen a massive distruption to what we see as “normal day to day” and in-fact the new “normal” is not normal. It is very evident that we all need each other more than ever. We have to come together as a community to support each other through this uncertain time. Some families are under pressure and we have had families and individuals contact us for support. In response, we are now providing emergency meal parcels to some of our beneficiaries, students and families that need extra support at this time.


This is in addition to the services we offer through PAM feeding application. We are grateful and saying thank you to all our donors and our volunteers that have made this weekly food boxes possible.

This is a quick update on what we are doing at this time. We will keep you updated on all further changes to our services. If you would like to volunteer or help us further meet this urgent needs, kindly get in touch by sending an email to [email protected]